Our History
Welcome to Church!
Maple Grove United Methodist Church – named for the grove of maple trees in the local area.
Almost two centuries ago, our spiritual forefathers gathered in our community, forming a group known as the Society. In 1873, through the contributions of this community, a plot of land was deeded to the society for the price of $1. This land soon became incorporated as ‘The Maple Grove Episcopal Church” - the early beginnings of our church.
In 1877, the sanctuary to our church was built at a cost of $2000. A parsonage was added in 1879 at a cost of $1200. Over the years, the interior has changed, but the spirit of the people remains one of faith, hope, and love.
Initially, in 1914, the church expressed a need for a fellowship hall and horse and buggy sheds. The goal was soon realized, and the following years were filled with much activity in the hall – lively music, talent and drama productions, ice cream socials, and revival meetings.
It was in the 1960s, as the United Methodist denomination formed, the church officially became Maple Grove United Methodist Church.
However, in 1968, a new hall was started and rededicated by Rev. William M. Rosser – for whom the new hall was named – through the gifts of the congregation. This new hall was finished in 1970. Further additions and renovations were made by Joseph C. Martin and aided by Harold Cornell, Howard Piatt, Carl Remley, Russell Walters, Frank Moyer, and Kenneth F. Williams. These additions included four classrooms, a choir room, a dining hall and kitchen, two restrooms, and a furnace room.
These are all parts of the church body, and a lot of them still exist today in 2025, even if they go by different names. The Maple Grove United Methodist Church will be celebrated 150 years in 2024. There has been a lot of activity in these walls, and you are now invited to be a part of it.
We welcome you to Maple Grove United Methodist Church!